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Unlocking the Power of Action Learning with Academy

| 1 Min Read

Traditional training methods often struggle to connect theory with practice, making it challenging to transfer learning to the workplace. Action learning addresses this issue by incorporating real-world challenges into the learning process, making the experience more relevant and impactful.

The Power of Action Learning:


Experience Immediate Relevance

They apply their knowledge directly to their roles, making the learning more applicable and meaningful.


Develop Essential Skills

Through hands-on experience, learners build critical skills like reflection, problem-solving, and critical thinking.


Retain Knowledge More Effectively

Immediate application of concepts helps cement learning and ensures long-term retention.


Stay Motivated and Engaged

Action learning adds variety and relevance, keeping the learning experience dynamic and engaging.

How Academy Supports Action Learning

Academy simplifies the process of creating task activities that engage learners with real-world challenges. Our platform enables you to easily design tasks, provide feedback, and evaluate results, ensuring that learning outcomes are meaningful and impactful.

Explore the following videos to see how Academy's features support action learning:


Learner Experience: Completing Tasks

Explore how learners interact with and complete tasks within Academy, applying their knowledge in practical scenarios and gaining hands-on experience.

View the video.

Reviewer Experience: Providing Feedback

Discover how reviewers assess tasks, provide constructive feedback, and support learners in refining their understanding and application of knowledge.

View the video.

How to Set Up Tasks

Learn how to create tasks that connect with real-world scenarios, ensuring your learners can effectively apply their knowledge and skills in practical contexts.

View the video.